Friday, August 8, 2008

Sharpen those Pencils!

Well, first, this is not a blog about Lila for once. Today's blog is about me announcing that I am finally (after only one semester of being out which seemed like a lifetime), I am finally going back to good 'ol UAB to graduate! I have a total of 18 hours to finish, and I think I would be really stupid if I did not. I will have 10 hours this semester, and 8 left to take in the spring to be officially done! And thanks to a hefty Pell Grant and a small loan, that will now be possible!

Most of my classes I have left to take are pretty much what I should have taken when I was in my freshman or sophomore year, so I think I will be alright to finish, although I am dreading taking my Art Studio classes which are required for my major. I can look at a piece of art and tell you all about it, however, please please don't make me actually draw and make one of my own. Maybe I'll take some probably terrible pictures of whatever I have to make and post it later for thoughts. If I'm brave enough...

So this semester my time will be filled with the following:

Art Studio 101-basically looking at negative space and drawing whatever the teacher says to draw...a stick figure maybe? I hope? I'd get an A at that!

French 102-required level to finish for my major in Art History....I have been really procrastinating about it, but hopefully with the help of my boyfriend who is quite fluent, I'll have some personal one on one tutoring....geez, did that just sound dirty? ha

Earth Science 101-I'm actually re-taking this class just to get a better grade then last time...wouldn't hurt...but I'm dreading sitting through this all over again, because learning about rocks and minerals are about as fun as watching paint dry...

Art History 478-Buddhist Art in Asia-This should be (I hope) an interesting class, I'm just glad I was able to throw in an Art History class, which I needed one more Asian credit to finish. It's not my consentration of my area in Renassiance and Baroque, but it will do. However, I do have a feeling I'm going to have some "hate" blogging about studying this later....

School starts on the 18th, and I'm so ready for a new routine of work and school again!



Miss Jessica said...

Woooo, go blazers indeed! Congrats. :)