Monday, May 10, 2010

Delicious Ambiguity...

"..I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity..."- Gilda Radner

This quote is one of my favorites. It was said by one of history's greatest female comedians, the great Gilda Radner. I'm at the point in my life where this quote makes sense to me more then ever before. There's been so much that has happened this year, good and bad, that you have to take the bad with the good sometimes and make the best of it. You pursue your life with great intention, even when you are not even sure where that will lead you.

The day that I have longed for, for so long finally arrived on Saturday. I graduated college. For some, it's an easy four year road, but for others, life gets in the way sometimes and it takes longer...however, in the end, like "they" say, it's not the destination, it's the journey. My journey has been an interesting one, but now that it's finally over, I'm finding myself nervous, anxious, excited, and scared. Excited to know that there's hopefully many possibilities out there awaiting me, but scared because I am afraid that if I try to pursue my dream and a job with my degree, I will be held back due to our country's insurance program.

"Yes, I would love to intern with you Metropolitan Museum of Art, but first question, do you have insurance for your interns?"

No, I of course did not get a job with the Met, but this is my reality. Sadly, getting my degree and pursuing what I want to do is overshadowed by making sure I have health insurance. This is not right, when I am forced to take a bank teller job after graduating with an Art History degree, and work a mediocre 8 to 5 job, just to be covered to see my doctor.

I have loved my job working at the gallery, however Maralyn is going to be retiring this year, and the business will be retiring with it. I have gained so much experience working with Maralyn these years, and hope to take what I have learned (along with her great networking connections) with me to another creative type job adventure.

I hope that I am able to look around and research enough to know what is out there to use my experience to it's full potential. I have a few people helping me make the most kick-ass resume, where I will start the ever-so wonderful job hunting. Wish me luck, Hey, maybe Carnival Cruise Lines needs someone to help with their wonderful "Art Auctions"?

Taking a moment and making the best of it has been somewhat a motto for me this past month. From finishing school, finding a job, and with dealing with ending a miserable year of a 3 year relationship and losing a pet you so dearly loved for two years. Needless to say, it's been a stressful, but growing month. However, the best way to get over losing a pet and losing love, is to fill the void and give your love that you had for that pet, to another one.

For months, I had already decided that I would have my own dog, for obvious reasons, but debated on keeping the same breed that has had so many connections and memories, or as my friends have pushed me, to adopt from a shelter. After much debate with myself, and looking online at shelter's, no other dog has the same connection to me, as the cocker spaniels have been in my life. They are just for me. So after contacting the same breeder where Lila came from, one of her dogs is due to have a litter of puppies any day now. I know that this new puppy will not be Lila, but she will fill that void, and she will be mine and no one can ever take her away. This has been an experience that I would never wish on anyone, but I hope that happier times are ahead.

I will definitely post pictures as soon as I have them. So be on the look out for Jean Louise "Scout" Turnipseed :)

Ok, nice to chat blog, told you I would be back...see you again soon...