Monday, December 8, 2008

Soup's On!!

Well Winter isn't officially here, but it is December and we have definitely had some blustery chilly days here in Birmingham.

I love those gray, windy, cold days when all you want to do is stay inside where it's warm, curl up on the sofa and watch bad tv or movies and make a big pot of homemade soup!

I absolutely love LOVE LOOVE soup.

(Did I say that I love soup?)

I really love any soup recipe and would literally have a bowl of homemade soup everyday during the winter months. Nothing is more fantastic or comforting to me then that. So as I was looking for a new soup recipe to try, I got an email from a new post of one of my favorite blogs called "101 Cookbooks" by Heidi Swanson. She's a "foodie" blogger, and I love reading blogs about recipes or what other people are making in their home.

Plus, to be honest, I could read recipes or cookbooks all day long.

So the recipe she posted was something I had never tried before, but sounded amazing. It was a recipe for Baby Lima Soup with Chipotle Broth. It only has five ingredients, and it does not lack any substance and definitely has a kick. Plus, it was so simple to make as well. I actually used dried lima beans, and it took no pre-soaking, and was done in under an hour. I also liked the fact that you controlled how much heat you wanted by how much Chipotle sauce you added. Eakin is not as much a spicy fan as myself, so I only added one Chipotle and about two teaspoons of the sauce and you could still get that kick.

I also added sweet frozen corn to balance the heat factor which was a nice combination. And while the beans were cooking, I also added a piece of bacon to give even more flavor, because everything is better with bacon right?

So when it's a cold bluster day, try this soup with some cornbread and it will defiantly warm you up!

Thanks Heidi!
I'm sure with winter just aproaching, I'll have more posts about terrific soups to come!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Ok, so I have always lived in a great safe neighborhood, and never worried about anything happening....well Eakin and I truly got the real taste of living "in Birmingham" and in the Crestwood neighborhood....Friday, as I was gone from 11-4 helping my mother with making our items for the Avondale Craft show Saturday, I came home to a destroyed house that was ransacked and broken into. When I arrived home, I noticed that our front porch chairs had been moved in an unusual way, so I had looked to see if the front door window had been broken and it wasn't. So I turned the knob and it was still locked. I turned my key and walked inside to every single drawer, cabinet, closet that had been throughly searched through. My heart went through the roof. I immediately called 911 and told them what happened, then called Eakin who luckily wasn't too far away, then of course my mother who I just left. Luckily, Lila was with me, so she was not at home.

The police came in about 10 min, as I was sitting on the front porch nervous as all hell. As this police officer (who had braces by the way, weird) came to the house I told him what I came into. Soon Eakin arrived and my mother arrived. I was a basketcase since this had never happened to me before. As we looked around the tore up house, we started to notice what was gone. As soon as the brace face cop was taking the report, his scanner went off of another robbery next door at our neighbors as well. Her house wasn't ransacked like ours, but her laptop was gone too, and he went through the front window that was gated and had two big dogs!

Eakin normally always takes his laptop to work with him, but for the past two days, he had not and his $3000 laptop for work was gone. Along with an about $800 Canon professional camera that he had borrowed from a co-worker to take pictures of all the stores that was sitting on our coffee table. It was overwhelming to notice what was all gone, since everything was not in it's place. However, with it obviously being one man, he could not get our 47 inch TV and Xbox. His laptop was sitting by his checkbook and that was still there surprisingly. He had gone through every single room in the house and in Eakin's office was his uncle's shotgun, which was also gone....along with the bullets....So the big things were the laptop, camera, and shotgun....if my laptop was here, then I wouldn't be typing this today! So at least we have one left! The good thing is that it was work property that was mostly taken, so Eakin of course will get another laptop, but that doesn't replace everything that was on the laptop.

In our living room, which has three big windows, two on the side have bars, the middle one has two horizontal bars and that is what he broke into. He broke it in pieces and seemed like he "lightly" placed it on my couch. We weren't able to get fingerprints till the next morning (thanks to connections, otherwise the brace face cop said it would be "5-7 days!" Thanks BPD!) and the CSI guy dusted and found nothing, because apparently he used socks on his hands. There were a few things that made us laugh, as we noticed that our big glass jug which had a lot of coins, was completely emptied. Even my change purse in my school bag was emptied! If there was a penny on the floor, then it was gone!

So we are in the process of fixing the window (has plexiglass right now) and getting an alarm system working (which is only half way done, and why I'm stuck at home right now). We have been basically prisioners in our own home until we know we are secured. With only plexi glass on the window for now, I do not feel comfortable leaving to do anything until the alarm system works. Although it is highly doubtful that he will come back (however he might get a buddy and come help him since he knows what we have now), it is just an uneasy feeling. And I will especially not leave Lila until that is done.

Even though nothing big and personal was taken of mine, it still feels terrible knowing that this guy knows every single thing in my home, even down to what underwear I wear! It makes me have a sick feeling in my stomach. I have never been personally violated like this in my life and I now know what it feels like and I would not wish this on anyone. Our neighbor has been living in her house for over 20 years and when we moved in, she said that in those many years, she had not had the first incident of any kind.

Crestwood is a great neighboorhood to live in, and even though we are on the "edge" of it, we thought we were safe. But I guess in today's world, and especially in this terrible time of economy, you can't be sure of that anymore. What would make a person be so desperate to do something like this? That is something that is hard to understand.

oh and one more thing that was missing......a sugar free red bull......guess he needed more energy to steal people's personal things...

I'm back!

Well, I'm finally back, I've had a few hiccups, as my laptop has been not working for about oh let's see....three months now! I had left it up to my computer geek boyfriend to take care of my precious laptop, and all it did was sit in his car. So after taking matters in my own hands, I sent it away to Dell to get fixed, and VIOLA! it came back in ONE DAY! That's all it took....stupid, stupid me....

Since those three months, a lot has happened....I am now just a full time student, which I have realized doesn't take all my "full time"....and now is not the greatest time to be looking for a little part time job either....Anyone looking for a cute brown eyed girl to hire??

Lila is growing and growing! She has really become a jewel to Eakin and I and if it wasn't for her, I'd probably go crazy being by myself most of the day. She has developed the greatest personality, and absoultely loves people, or any animal, even ones that are four times her size! She truly has balls of steel and is not afraid of anything, ha!

This semester has been going well, I'm getting antsy about it being done! With taking Indian Art and Buddhist Art this semester, I have truly learned so much that I could convert to Buddhism! My french has not greatly improved, as I have a blond hair/blue eyed sorority girl not much older then myself teaching, but at least I'm getting credit....

Well I am stuck at home today, so I thought I could write this and then start studying for my Buddhist art midterm on off to writing one more blog, then studying Shakyamuni Buddha in his Mount Meru paradise and learning the four noble truths and the middle path to enlightenment....

Oh, and of course here are some cute new pics of Lila :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sharpen those Pencils!

Well, first, this is not a blog about Lila for once. Today's blog is about me announcing that I am finally (after only one semester of being out which seemed like a lifetime), I am finally going back to good 'ol UAB to graduate! I have a total of 18 hours to finish, and I think I would be really stupid if I did not. I will have 10 hours this semester, and 8 left to take in the spring to be officially done! And thanks to a hefty Pell Grant and a small loan, that will now be possible!

Most of my classes I have left to take are pretty much what I should have taken when I was in my freshman or sophomore year, so I think I will be alright to finish, although I am dreading taking my Art Studio classes which are required for my major. I can look at a piece of art and tell you all about it, however, please please don't make me actually draw and make one of my own. Maybe I'll take some probably terrible pictures of whatever I have to make and post it later for thoughts. If I'm brave enough...

So this semester my time will be filled with the following:

Art Studio 101-basically looking at negative space and drawing whatever the teacher says to draw...a stick figure maybe? I hope? I'd get an A at that!

French 102-required level to finish for my major in Art History....I have been really procrastinating about it, but hopefully with the help of my boyfriend who is quite fluent, I'll have some personal one on one tutoring....geez, did that just sound dirty? ha

Earth Science 101-I'm actually re-taking this class just to get a better grade then last time...wouldn't hurt...but I'm dreading sitting through this all over again, because learning about rocks and minerals are about as fun as watching paint dry...

Art History 478-Buddhist Art in Asia-This should be (I hope) an interesting class, I'm just glad I was able to throw in an Art History class, which I needed one more Asian credit to finish. It's not my consentration of my area in Renassiance and Baroque, but it will do. However, I do have a feeling I'm going to have some "hate" blogging about studying this later....

School starts on the 18th, and I'm so ready for a new routine of work and school again!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

First Adventure with Lila!

Well she is finally here! Eakin and I left Saturday morning to head to Tennessee to go get our new addition!

We stopped in Franklin and met up with Eakin's friend Hugh Mitchell who lives in Nashville and had lunch and walked around downtown. Franklin is truly a charming town! Almost a "Mayberry" feel to it, but quite lovely. Many antique shops, a city square, and a even a old theatre they are trying to save. After our fabulous lunch at Sol in downtown Franklin, we said farewell to Hughie, and headed another hour toward Morrison, Tennessee and to the Hickory Glenn Farms.
Downtown Franklin
Save the Franklin Theatre!

Doesn't this look amazing?! Tuna Nachos, which was incredible! I had to take a picture!

We met the breeder, Sheba, who had so many animals! There were roosters and chickens running around, along with pigs, and of course many and many dogs.
Hickory Glenn Farms

After arriving and signing all the papers, she showed us our new baby! We then took a tour of the farm and met her brothers and sisters, and her parents Montana and Sparky.

Lila's Brothers and Sisters

Montana, Lila's Mother

Sparky, Lila's Father, such a cuddly looking bear!

First meeting with our new one!

On the ride home to Birmingham!

After we brought her home, she was so tired from everything that she slept the entire night by herself in her cubbie. The next day we had brunch with Eakin's parents and she met her cousins, Bebe, Cami, and Gatsby. We were all nervous at first, but she dove right in and fit in perfectly!

After playing with everyone, she was so exhausted and took a nap in her little basket that Paden had for Gatsby when he was little. Don't you agree that there is nothing cuter then a puppy sleeping in a basket??

....and so the adventure begins....she is growing and learning more everyday, so I'm sure this blog will have many more adventures with Miss Lila....

Friday, June 20, 2008

Meet Lila!!!

As my second posting of my "life as a turnip", I have some good news to share! Eakin and I are going to have a little one in our lives soon....

HA! Gotcha! Just kidding!!

By little one, I mean a little tri-color cocker spaniel that will be named Lila! The Reich Family have three of these breeds of dogs, who are all wonderful members of the family, Camille (Cami), Begonia (Bebe), and Gatsby. Now there will be another flower, Lila, short for Lilac to be added to the bunch.
Cami with Eakin, Paden with Gatsby, and my Bebe

In my opinion, I think her middle name should be "Daisy" because it's another flower plus it's Gatsby's love. Although I'd probably be ruled out in that decision.

She was born May 29th to the parents of Montana (Mom) and Sparky (Dad), and she will be ready to bring home on July 11th! So Eakin and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary a little early (it's the 27th) and take a trip to Tennessee, go to Nashville and to the Hickory Glen Farms in Summitville to pick her up!

Here are her parents!

Montana (top) Sparky (bottom)

.....and here she is!!!!

Now I know you are all having that face and saying "AWWWWWWWWW", aren't you??

Isn't she the most adorable, cutest, loveable, sweetest thing you have ever seen????

Monday, June 16, 2008

Who wants to read the Life of a Turnip?

I have always been interested in reading people's blogs, though I did not have one myself (that has now officially changed as you are reading this of course). I can understand why some of my friends have blogs, such as my good friend Amanda who left this life in Birmingham, Alabama to go start a new one in Belgium as a worldly traveler and Au Pair. You can catch up on her here. Or as another friend of mine, Jessica, who moved to Seattle for new changes as well, you can read about her adventures here. Or you could just be a great writer and have wonderful, interesting, humorous stories to tell or insights on the world like my friend Joe (check him out here, I swear this kid needs to be writing for SNL). *though please finish my blog before exploring another one, as I need the encouragement :)

All of those fellow "bloggers" seem to have a purpose for "blogging". But what do I have to share with the universe and the infinite space of the cyber world? I guess if I was Carrie Bradshaw, that would be my question for this episode.

I was discussing this topic with my friend Mandie the Au Pair, worldly traveler today and I purposed this question to her. I asked, "who in the hell would read my blog?" (my exact words from gmail) and she responded, "I would, I read many these days". (Thanks Mandie). So as soon as I thought about it, the title hit me, and here I am. But another question still arises. Is it more healthy for yourself, to write a blog, then for the people reading it? Is more beneficial for yourself, because it's the new technology instead of writing in a diary...although your diary is for all the world to see....I do believe in the fact of keeping your private life private, and I do not believe in posting (or reading about) what you had to eat today, or what great dress you bought on sale. However, I do believe in sharing some experiences in life that make you happy, or sad, or just down right a mystery or puzzle.

Because isn't that what life is about? Sharing your experiences with your friends, even if your friends can't always be with you to experience them?

So I will start this experience of sharing, whenever I have something interesting to share that is. Although, I do have an event coming up that I probably will write about, or excuse me "blog" about soon. Guess you will have to stay tuned to know what that will be....

If you read all of this, and have added me as one of your reads, then let me say.....Thank You....hopefully I won't let you down...