Sunday, January 18, 2009

I love my job....

...I'm back, hasn't been too long. Hope you found all 75 bands by now or made a good Pollock painting on your computer...

I have to admit, for the first time in awhile, I actually have a job that I love going to everyday and I just had to share what that is.

I am actually doing something that involves my degree (or degree I'm working on rather)....

This past November I was hired at the Maralyn Wilson Gallery and since then, I have been given a higher position and a new raise, woo hoo! But what does my job entail you ask? Well, I guess you can say that I am a Gallery Assistant to the Owner (i.e Maralyn Wilson), who is a spunky lady in her 60's who would probably be the coolest grandmother on the planet.

She has been in the art business for over 35 years, which is great knowledge to learn from. Her passion is art and she is also an artist herself and works with encaustic type pieces with wax. It has also inspired me to start working on my "artist" side with a few ideas on projects of my own.

I basically help her run the 5,000 square foot gallery, work with the artists that we have showing, and help organize upcoming artist shows and events which is my favorite part so far. I am in the process of organizing a show on February 13th which I will probably post pictures and write about later. I love working with the local artists and having their work shown in the gallery, because believe it or not, people ARE still looking for great art to have in their home or place of business. I'm happy to report that selling art is not dead!

One major part of the business is framing. That I am still learning. However, we work exclusively with the Art Museum, which I am really proud of and practice conservation framing, which is defined as "...only high quality materials designed to protect paper artwork and special techniques above and beyond ordinary framing to help preserve the artwork. In conservation framing, no materials or techniques are used that cannot be reversed, leaving the artwork undamaged and in its original form." (Thank you Decor Magazine 1997.)

We are a small company, so I am a great multitasker in my job. Not only do I work with the artists and help organize the events, I am also in charge of our marketing, and oh yes, the customers on a daily basis.

So yes, with school and now this new adventure, needless to say I am pretty busy these days but I do love it and look forward to what's to come.

Join our mailing list on our website (that I will probably be helping adding new things to) and join our facebook group and keep in touch with everything that we are doing!