Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year, finally a New Blog....err Microblog...

Ok, so I'm not one to believe in "resolutions" per say, I think that if you want to start something or change something about yourself then you should just do it and not wait till New Years Eve when the ball drops to get things going....however, one thing that I wanted to start doing more of this year is keeping up with this blog about this life of mine, weither you find it interesting or's up to you to decide...

The inspiration that struck me was reading my fellow grade school friend Jessica's blog, and talked about the good techniques of being a blogger:

*Keep it shorter, more likely to write more often (i.e the "micro" blog...)
*Write about things you're passionate about
*Make it fun
*Change it up to keep you and your readers interested.

Thanks Jess for the tips, I feel inspired and not as....err...overwhelmed? with keeping this blog updated as my other friends do on a regular basis...

On that note, here are a few topics that I will probably write about in this new year of 2009...

-My new job which I love! (interesting details in another "micro" blog soon)
-Anything I learn that is somewhat interesting in my last few semesters in college...
-Probably more food porn, because I think it's really starting to become a passion of mine
-Twilight...ha, just kidding...(or am I?)
-New finds in music, a long time passion of myself and Eak's
-oh and Lila, of course

...and who knows what else, that's what keeps it interesting :)

So stay tuned....until then, have some free entertainment, if you haven't seen it already, try to find 75 bands in this picture

I have... (with the help of Eak and another friend who is in radio for God sakes, are you kidding me? I'm not that good)

...or make your own Jackson Pollock, so fun...

'till then :)